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About Us

We are passionate about our work! For 18 years we have been responsible of supplying yards and builders with high-end engineering for their quest of transforming concepts into reality. Our own quest is accurate, easy to implement reliable engineering. It may be structural construction with a hull, deck and superstructure plating, interior accommodations or systems and outfitting, our goal is to take it to the client in such a way that will be clear and reliable to produce and implement. Our work has been recognized by leading shipyards of the Netherlands as well as Germany, France and other European countries. To reach our quest we are using the latest 3D modeling tools and 2D drafting software and together with unique in-house custom made applications we are able to offer complex engineering solutions as well as meeting tight schedules.

The Office

Our main office is located in eastern Romania, in the city of Galati. Situated on the beautiful northern bank of the river Danube, with its centuries-old tradition of shipbuilding, Galati has become a thriving center of naval architecture, engineering and shipbuilding. Here you can find the biggest shipyard of Romania as well as plenty of specialized knowledge available at the local Naval Faculty, shipyards, design and engineering offices and suppliers. Within this environment, Navyk was born. We started from scratch and we have evolved into a fully specialized team of engineers, designers and naval architects. And we are making our mark and contribution to this environment as well, being responsible for the great number of specialists that we have formed and trained. Teamwork is one of our core values so within our office you can find a pleasant and informal atmosphere that promotes communication and social interaction.

The Team



Happy people


Project leaders








Become a part of our team

Become a part of our team

Share our passion for naval engineering, become part of our team. We are always looking for bright people who can help us engineer better boats. And during the process, we make up some pretty good excuses to have fun together. You can find a place at Navyk, whether you are an experienced professional or a student, check out our open spots.

Apply For A Position

Say Hello

If you are interested in working toghether or have questions, fill out the form below with some info about your project and we will get back to you as soon as we can …Or maybe you just want to say hi. Feel free to do so, we’ll be happy to hear from you.